Green Plumbing
Water Saving Plumbing Fixtures
- One of the most economically friendly ways of being green is to use Water Sense plumbing fixtures including:
- Toilets
- Faucets
- Shower Heads
- Great for the environment.
- Can save you hundreds of gallons of water a year and cut down on high water bills.
- Some Municipalities even offer a rebate program.

Navien Tankless Water Heaters
- Outstanding 98% efficiency.
- Can reduce energy consumption by 40%.
- When you’re not using hot water, a tankless water heater is not wasting energy by heating unnecessary water.
- Takes up to 70% less space than what is required by a standard water heater.
- When using a tankless water heater under normal conditions you will have an endless supply of hot water.
- Digital thermostat allows you to set the water temperature to your selected level.
- Qualifies for Focus on Energy rebate up to $150
- Qualifies for Energy Star tax credit up to $300
- Navien also offers models with a re-circulation pump for internal of external re-circulation and a combi unit for domestic water heating needs and space heating for base board of in-floor radiant heat form the same energy efficient unit.

Solar Hot Water
Minimal Energy Costs – solar energy provides 50-75% of your home hot water needs and can supplement space heating for radiant in floor heat, forced air heat, and swimming pools.
Aesthetically Pleasing – the attractive panels look striking on rooftops
Environmentally Conscious – each solar collector prevents tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere — the equivalent of planting more than 40 trees
Extremely Versatile – appropriate for both residential and commercial applications such as domestic water heating, radiant floor/space heating, pool and hot tub heating, and more.
Cash Back – Qualifies for Focus on Energy rebate up to $2,500 on qualifying equipment.
Tax Credit – Qualifies for tax credit of 30% of total system cost on qualifying equipment.